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Sant Joan de Binissaida

Legal Notice

In compliance with Spanish Law 34/2002 on E-Commerce and Information Society Services, we inform you that this website is the property of Sant Joan de Binissaida CB E-07712540.

Should you have any questions or ideas to share, you can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This webpage is exclusively governed by Spanish Law, to which both nationals and non-nationals are subject.

User access to this website is free of charge but subject to the users reading and accepting in full, expressly and without reservations the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE in force at present. Hence, we entreat you to read them carefully. The moment a USER accesses our portal and uses its contents or services, he / she is implicitly accepting and agreeing to comply with the General Terms and Conditions of Use. Users not consenting to these terms must refrain from using this portal and operate within it.

At any given time and without previous notification, we have the right to modify unilaterally the presentation and configuration of this website; increase or reduce its services; or suppress it from the web entirely, including services and contents.


All contents, texts and source codes are the property of The Company or third parties whose licensing rights have been acquired and they are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.

Users have the right to make a private use of the above but can not make any profit from them. Users also need the consent of The Company and/or the holder to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any right that belongs to the holder of them.

Establishing links with our portal does not entail users to any rights over it. It is only authorized to access our web. It is forbidden to reproduce any of the images or contents that appear on our pages, either in part or as a whole. Establishing a link with our website does not entail any rights and it does not amount to being a collaborator or a partner of this company.

It is forbidden to imitate our portal, both in any part and as a whole.


Access to our webpage is free of charge and no prior subscription or registration is required. Nevertheless, The Company has the right to request registration for certain services provided. In this case, services will be adequately identified and registration instructions clearly indicated.

Users are to access our website in good faith, in accordance with public order provisions and complying with our general terms and conditions.

Users access our web of their own free will and under their own personal responsibility, being liable for any damage caused to our selves or a third party.

Users are forbidden the use and procurement of services and contents offered on this website by means other than those established under the present terms and conditions, or given the case, by the terms and conditions applicable to the acquisition of a particular service.

Given that is it materially impossible to control the information, contents and services contained on the various webs that users can access via our website, users are hereby informed that The Company will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of any kind that may affect the user when using websites that are not our property.

The Company reserves the right to press legal charges against any USER who does not comply with the present terms and conditions. USERS must understand that should legal action not be immediately undertaken by The Company, this does not amount to the relinquishment of its rights, which can still be exercised within the prescriptive period.


Confidentiality, professional discretion and security are essential values for The Company Therefore, the company will always try to ensure the privacy of both users and visitors during the course of any interaction. The Company also agrees never to gather more information about users than is strictly necessary and to treat any information provided by users with utmost care.

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection and the Royal Decree 1720/2007 that develops the former law, we inform you that the use of certain services on our webpage require that you provide us with personal details, either within registry forms or emails. This data will be processed and incorporated to the files of The Company (the holder liable for their safekeeping). Sending personal data implicitly implies agreement that the information will be processed, although it can be revoked and has no retroactive effects.

We also inform you that our files are legally registered at the Personal Data General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency and that all technical and organizational measures prescribed by Royal Decree 1720/2007 regulating security measures for all files containing personal data will be applied.

Personal Data Use

All data requested is sufficient, pertinent and strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is gathered. In no way are you obliged to provide us with this data. On the other hand, you agree that all data provided is true and relevant to the purpose at hand.

Our website gathers your personal data through various forms and emails, including requests for any type of information; complaints or reservations; when you ask for clarification, or even when you attach your curriculum vitae. Sending these forms and emails gives us your implicit authorization to include the data in the files of The Company if the latter considers this convenient. All data will be subject to current privacy policy. Your data will be included in our data files and could be forwarded to other companies of our group for the purpose of commercial services / promotional campaigns.

The Company has the right to include or not to include your data in our files.

Access, modification and cancellation of your personal data

You can refuse to receive our commercial mail any time. Also you can exercise your rights and access, modify or cancel your data as per the terms legally established, using the address and information given at the beginning of this legal notice for that purpose and including a copy of your Identity Card.

Data Communication

The Company informs you that your data will be treated confidentially and used only internally for the above mentioned purposes. Therefore, we will not be providing any third party with your data, except in those cases where there is a legal obligation, or when the USER specifically authorizes us to do so.

Personal Data Safety

In order to secure the safekeeping of your personal data, and prevent its alteration, loss and non-authorized treatment or access, we inform you that The Company has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures as established by Royal Decree 1720/2007 that regulates the security measures applicable to all files containing personal data.

Personal Data Update

In order to keep your personal data updated, it is important that you inform us whenever there is a change. Otherwise, we are not responsible for their veracity.

It is understood that unless you cancel your personal data from our files, you are still interested in The Company making them available until it best suits the company and still are adequate for the purpose for which they were gathered.

The Company is not liable for any breach of privacy law in regards to personal data used by a third party that was obtained via a link or hyperlink to our webpage.

The Company can modify its privacy policy to adapt it to changes taking place on the webpage and also to changes in the law and jurisprudence on incoming data. Therefore you are urged to familiarise yourself with this information whenever you provide this webpage with new data.


Via this webpage we hope to place at your disposal various high quality contents and services and aim at being diligent in terms of presentation and technological resource. However, we are not responsible for the presence of any type of virus or elements that might damage your computer system.

USERS are forbidden any action on our portal that may lead to the overload of our system or the introduction of a virus. It is also forbidden to set up robots or software that may alter the proper running of our webpage or may cause any damage to our computer system.

USERS will be fully responsible for the use of our webpage, being liable for any direct or indirect effect that this use may have on the website; including but not limited to, any adverse economic, technical and/or legal result. Users are also responsible for any disappointment in the expectations generated by our portal, and they are obliged to wave any claims against The Company that may derive, directly or indirectly, from such case.

The Company is exonerated from any responsibility arising from any claim regarding intellectual property rights on the articles and pictures published on the portal. The company does guarantee neither the exactitude and veracity nor the validity of any website content, whether it is the companys own, that of third parties, or one accessible via links or hyperlinks, and the company is exonerated from any responsibility deriving from their use.

The Company is exonerated from any responsibility arising from any claim, including the payment of lawyers fees arising from such claims and lawsuits bought by third parties due to the failure of the USER to comply with the terms and conditions of use, access and privacy policy as well as any other type claim for not complying with the law in force.

USERS confirm that they have understood all the information regarding the conditions of use of our portal and confirm that this is sufficient to exclude any error. Therefore, USERS agree completely and fully with the conditions hereby contained.

USERS are fully aware that even just browsing through the present webpage, as well as using its services, implies the acceptance of the present terms and conditions of use.

All matters pertaining to our website are governed solely by Spanish Law. In the event of any dispute or disagreement between the parties over the interpretation or content of the website, all parties shall accept the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona, waiving any other jurisdiction.


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Camí de Binissaida, 108
07720 · Es Castell · Menorca

(+34) 971 355 598

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